
| Computer Center


Grid User Info

Computer Center

Grid User Info

First steps

First of all you will need a grid certificate. Nearly everything about it is described on Grid certificates at DESY. If you work on the DESY-Zeuthen campus, please do not send the filled-out "DESY identification form" to UCO in Hamburg directly! Give it to Markus Schelhorn (office: 1R/05) instead. Please also bring along your passport or id-card in order to validate your identity.

Grid User Interface

How to setup the Grid (EMI-3 UI) environment on SL7 nodes. For login shells zsh & bash use:

[your-wgs] ~ % source /project/grid/etc/profile.d/setup-grid-ui.sh

.. and for tcsh (only minimally tested):

[your-wgs] ~ % source /project/grid/etc/profile.d/setup-grid-ui.csh

MyProxy Server

Proxy certificates have a limited life time, only. In order to e.g. run periodically tasks with valid proxy certificates you can use our MyProxy server (myproxy.zeuthen.desy.de).
Store a long-living credential (30 days in this case) on the MyProxy server. It can be retrieved by the user "$USER" later:

[your-wgs] ~ % myproxy-init -c $((30*24)) -n -Z $USER

As the environment variable $MYPROXY_SERVER is predefined on all SL7 nodes, you don't need to specify the server.
Retrieve a fresh proxy certificate with enabled VOMS extension (in this case: 'icecube' VO):

[your-wgs] ~ % myproxy-logon -n -m icecube
A credential has been received for user <user> in /tmp/x509up_u<your-uid>.

Authentication is done using your Kerberos ticket. So it can perfectly be used inside ACron jobs! You might want to check the received proxy certificate with:

[your-wgs] ~ % voms-proxy-info --all

Further documentation

provided by the DESY colleagues in Hamburg