
| Computer Center


Computer Center

Computer Center

Computer Center

The DV group is responsible for all ICT services at DESY in Zeuthen. This comprises the installation and operation of the computer center, personal and mobile computing, the campus wide network and video conferencing systems, as well as special computing services for physics projects. DV is also responsible for the on-line and embedded computing support inside several physics experiments.

DV activities related to physics projects

  • DESY Tier-2 center for ATLAS, together with the IT group at DESY in Hamburg
  • Tier-1 center in Germany for the IceCube computing
  • Control and DAQ infrastructure of the Photo Injector Test Stand Zeuthen (PITZ)
  • HPC parallel computing cluster for lattice quantum chromodynamics (LQCD) and theoretical astroparticle physics
  • General services for the H.E.S.S. experiment
  • Computing infrastructure for the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) Medium Size Telescope (MST) in Zeuthen
  • Leadership inside CTA projects and sub projects