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Notebook Security Windows

Hints for using DESY Notebooks in Zeuthen (Windows)

Computer Center

Hints for using DESY Notebooks in Zeuthen (Windows)

To improve security within the DESY network, notebook users have to observe the following rules.

Before traveling

1. Connect the notebook with cable to the DESY net, logon at win domain with your account - WIN\<account> (Creates your local profile on the notebook, so you can logon later without network connection)
2. Please install the software you need with the DSM software shop DSM-Softwareshop (down right). For this you have to be in the internal network.
3. Update Virus scan signatures. Click the right mouse button on the virus scan symbol (down right) and click "Update Security ...”

4. Please install windows security patches with the desktop shortcut "Windows_Update” .

Back at DESY

Please do not connect your notebook to the DESY network if it reports virus messages or shows an unusual behavior. In case of compromise take it to UCO for an offline virus check first!

In the other case:
1. Connect the notebook to the network
2. Update McAfee security (right click to McAfee icon, Update Security ...)
3. Install Microsoft Windows Patches (Windows_Update shortcut)